Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Sandstorm!

The Sandstorm!!!

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted in here, and I apologise for my lack of communication.  But, OMG I have been busy.  It's mid-term exam time here at Zayed... one of the busiest working periods of my life...... In other news, there are a few things to fill you all in on, the first of which is the amazing sandstorm we had early last week.  Here's a pic taken from my living room window of the most sudden  meteorological experience of my life.  Having headed home from work after a PARTICULARLY challenging day with my class, I was very excited about jumping in the pool for some laps, haning out with my buds Kosta and Tiff, and generally taking it easy "down by the pool".  A quick look out my window suggested that all was well in the world.... blue skies, sunshine, as is the norm here in the never-ending sunshine of Abu Dhabi.

Lo and behold, not a moment after looking out the window (and speedily throwing on my togs in readiness for a poolside afternoon of pleasure), dust, dirt, sand and other airborne desert matter was thrown into the atmosphere in a matter of moments.  One second it was the usual clear blue skies, and the next it was climactic mayhem!!  The photos don't really do it justice.  Doors were locked and blocked by the management of the building because the wind picked up so suddenly that there was real danger of broken windows, etc, blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, afer about an hour, it all died down and there was a very pretty sunset.

So, there's the sandstorm edition of my blog.  It's late and I'm tired from another long day of work, so goodnight to you all (well, the seemingly very small  few who actually read this little uploading of my life).  Stay tuned for the extremely fascinating "new blinds in my apartment" edition.

xo JL

1 comment:

  1. Hello! How are things in Abu? We've had a hot one today - hoping for some rain tonight. Day off tomorrow - YIPPEEE!! Not really much to report. We are all well and all is well. Pineapples are coming on fast - YUMMO. Hugs and kisses to you.
