Saturday, October 13, 2012

Who said it was hard to get....

My latest cache of beverages... it's best to buy in bulk and keep the visits to a minimum, in my humble opinion.


Beery goodness!!
I've had a couple of visits to booze shops, recently.  They're hilarious.  Tucked away behind blackened windows and sliding doors, but once you get in, there's every manner of liquor available.  And cheaper than in Australia, in most cases.  There's no (or very little) tax on it, you see.  The case of Coopers you see in my frdige only cost me about $40.  It's nearly $60 in Oz now, isn't it?  Anyway, you gather up your goodies, push your shopping trolly of sinful delights to the cash register, pay, and make your escape, your purchases hidden in the thick brown plastic bags (which make bloody good garbage liners, I've discovered.... another good reason to buy hootch!!).  Couldn't take any pics in there either.  I'll take a sneaky couple next time.

The ubiquitous 'Brown Bag'.
So, there you go.  It's no more difficult to stock your bar here than it is in Australia. 

A fridge full of Coopers!!  Whoda thunk it?
Stay tuned for an update on my soon-to-be-installed blinds.  Bamboo Roman blinds in the living room, and gorgeous Indian cotton curtains for the bedrooms.  It's all coming together.

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